The True Costs of Selling Your Killeen House To An iBuyer

Whether you’re selling and want to avoid the inconveniences of a real estate agent or have an urgent pressing need, the conveniences that iBuyers may appear to be offering is actually concealing an unfavorable underlying truth. This method of buying is internet-based and offers a streamlined and rapid sale, on the surface. Unbeknownst to the … Continued

5 Reasons Why We Buy Houses in Killeen

If you have ever wondered, what is in it for IVestHomes? Why are they willing to buy my house? Here are the top 5 reasons why we buy houses in Killeen. Identifying Your Needs As with anything else in the world, unscrupulous people will find a way to make money without caring who they hurt … Continued

4 Ways To Sell a Fixer-Upper Property in Killeen

Ready to sell a Killeen fixer-upper property now? We’re here to help. If you’ve taken a sudden leap of faith into the adventurous fixer-upper business or find yourself burdened with a property that’s fallen into disrepair, it’s time to take action. We’ll cover 4 ways to sell a fixer-upper property. Traditional Listing It goes without … Continued

4 Reasons Why Your House Isn’t Selling in Killeen

What is wrong with that listing? While average days on the market can vary from region to region, most buyers are accustomed to scrolling through listings online. Making a great deal of information on the property available at a glance. This makes it much more likely that potential buyers will take note when a home … Continued

5 Ways Baby Boomers Can Sell Their Homes in Killeen

Whether you’ve decided that you’re ready for a change or circumstances may be forcing you into the decision to sell your home, take a moment to familiarize yourself with these 5 ways baby boomers can sell their homes in Killeen. Traditional Listings Hiring a professional real estate agent to assist you in selling your home … Continued
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